ironypoisoning: Dinner at KLIA airport.
ironypoisoning: Fascinating little booth.
ironypoisoning: Traveling Air Asia for what Steve swears is the last time.
ironypoisoning: In Jakarta.
ironypoisoning: Walking through the mall.
ironypoisoning: A maze of shopping.
ironypoisoning: Matt and Steve buying a SIM card.
ironypoisoning: Back in a tuk-tuk!
ironypoisoning: The road outside.
ironypoisoning: Coming to the National Mosque.
ironypoisoning: Steve and the National Cathedral.
ironypoisoning: Many faithful.
ironypoisoning: The stunning ceiling.
ironypoisoning: Our fellow visitors included a French family.
ironypoisoning: Steve listening to the history.
ironypoisoning: Amazing scale.
ironypoisoning: During Ramadan, each spot is for a person to pray in.
ironypoisoning: Minaret.
ironypoisoning: Steve with the drums.
ironypoisoning: Saying hello to curious visitors.
ironypoisoning: Many people.
ironypoisoning: Array of visitors.
ironypoisoning: Fellow visitors.
ironypoisoning: The French families we were on the same tour with.
ironypoisoning: The National Cathedral.
ironypoisoning: The National Cathedral up close.
ironypoisoning: Gorgeous inside.
ironypoisoning: Praying adherents.