irockiroll: ryan and his pie eating medal (3rd place!)
irockiroll: the view from my favorite bench
irockiroll: the view @ mercury lounge
irockiroll: chelsea market bread makers!
irockiroll: YAY CARBS
irockiroll: nora and abby
irockiroll: texting as always
irockiroll: abby and her bracelet that i really like
irockiroll: are they playing "rent?"
irockiroll: flusser gives attitude
irockiroll: hi pipey
irockiroll: la la la
irockiroll: scotto and abby
irockiroll: piper looks surprised!
irockiroll: early morning williamsburg
irockiroll: the cheapest beer in the city... in penn station
irockiroll: jerry makes his disapproving face
irockiroll: jerry gets a phone call from his mom
irockiroll: what bloggers do when it's too warm to ice skate (in january)
irockiroll: hi ryan!!
irockiroll: laura... nora...
irockiroll: @ motor city, taken by mike
irockiroll: taken by mike
irockiroll: my sister is so pretty!
irockiroll: two of my favorite girls
irockiroll: miranda and alex
irockiroll: jessica and bree
irockiroll: miranda and rebecca are sleepy
irockiroll: home at dawn