irockiroll: waiting at jfk... 5am
irockiroll: lizzy makes her xmas list
irockiroll: dad and lizzy at lunch
irockiroll: stupid face
irockiroll: sluuuuuuuuuuuurp
irockiroll: at lunch
irockiroll: scary face
irockiroll: this place freaks me out..
irockiroll: nora and lizzy at nevins
irockiroll: john buley @ nevins
irockiroll: something my sister claims she is going to cook
irockiroll: the kitchen is my favorite part of our house
irockiroll: kitchen windows
irockiroll: green things
irockiroll: hanging plants
irockiroll: teapot
irockiroll: the fridge
irockiroll: light in the kitchen
irockiroll: my mom's plates on the wall
irockiroll: baby photos!
irockiroll: baby nora
irockiroll: yawn!
irockiroll: bogie = the cutest
irockiroll: on my dad's calendar
irockiroll: on the phone, with his pipe
irockiroll: outdoor puppy
irockiroll: dad and dog
irockiroll: berries