irockiroll: september 06 345
irockiroll: september 06 346
irockiroll: september 06 347
irockiroll: september 06 349
irockiroll: nora k & matty f
irockiroll: @ scotto's birthday party
irockiroll: buddy
irockiroll: blue steel
irockiroll: with the birthday boy
irockiroll: more party
irockiroll: party!
irockiroll: @ the skinny
irockiroll: mostly sunny
irockiroll: september 06 363
irockiroll: classy
irockiroll: right after she took this, abby screamed "OH MY GOD WHY DO I ALWAYS TAKE THE BEST PHOTOS OF YOU?!?!?!"
irockiroll: scotto, caressing his cell phone?
irockiroll: scotto and abbo
irockiroll: abby and justin
irockiroll: justin and amie
irockiroll: justin and eliza
irockiroll: hahahahaha
irockiroll: scotto is thinking "very funny, now where are my cupcakes??"
irockiroll: that is not a cake
irockiroll: scotto and his gay fruit salad