irockiroll: zoe, upset that i have left her no room to roll around
irockiroll: random brooklyn street fair (for bike fetishes?)
irockiroll: abby, mells, posting
irockiroll: dumont brunch.
irockiroll: abby @ dumont
irockiroll: tired
irockiroll: silly cat
irockiroll: abby's hipster posse walked off to annex without her
irockiroll: gabriel and abigail
irockiroll: interns interns interns
irockiroll: david and dan @ the skinny
irockiroll: the many faces of interns...
irockiroll: hmm... k then
irockiroll: gabe took this and worked v hard on it
irockiroll: i crop myself out
irockiroll: something is funny apparently
irockiroll: intern david is about to attack intern dan
irockiroll: dance dance abby abby!
irockiroll: awww...
irockiroll: gabe and justin
irockiroll: hair in my face. awesome
irockiroll: okay SERIOUSLY?!
irockiroll: abs and justin's new haircut
irockiroll: awesome
irockiroll: intern dan
irockiroll: justin