*iroak*: in front of the restaurant
*iroak*: my sister-in-low
*iroak*: from the garden
*iroak*: at a waiting room
*iroak*: at a waiting room
*iroak*: mignardises
*iroak*: beautiful vessel
*iroak*: café
*iroak*: looking at the plate for anniversary with joy
*iroak*: mousse au fromage blanc
*iroak*: looking out of the window
*iroak*: noisette de ris de veau et foie gras mouniere
*iroak*: noisette de ris de veau et foie gras mouniere
*iroak*: dad looking at a beautiful green garden
*iroak*: everybody looking at a beautiful garden
*iroak*: sorbet
*iroak*: dad taking a picture of them
*iroak*: nice smiles :)
*iroak*: nouille de St-Pierre au jus de crustacé
*iroak*: chandelier
*iroak*: blanc-manger d'asperge blanche et sa potage velouté glacée au sésame
*iroak*: brulee aux epices...
*iroak*: glace au saumon fume norvegien a l'huile d'herbes
*iroak*: today's menu
*iroak*: at a restaurant
*iroak*: lovely glass by Émile Gallé
*iroak*: at a restaurant