*iroak*: kyu iwasaki-tei
*iroak*: western residence
*iroak*: western residence
*iroak*: stained glass placed at the front entrance
*iroak*: beautiful tiles at the entrance
*iroak*: ceiling of ...which room? I forgot..
*iroak*: ceiling of the guest room
*iroak*: splendid sofa at the sunroom
*iroak*: sunroom
*iroak*: sunroom
*iroak*: sunroom
*iroak*: main stairs
*iroak*: main stairs
*iroak*: rounded ends
*iroak*: main stairs
*iroak*: main stairs
*iroak*: main stairs
*iroak*: ceiling of the main stairs
*iroak*: ceiling of the main hall
*iroak*: women's guest room
*iroak*: neat lights in a guest room
*iroak*: guest room
*iroak*: veranda
*iroak*: veranda
*iroak*: chiho-chan at main stairs
*iroak*: a view of japanese residence from the window of western residence
*iroak*: the corridor connecting the japanese and western residences
*iroak*: the corridor connecting the japanese and western residences
*iroak*: from the waiting room
*iroak*: water basin and japanese garden lantern