osiristhe: Planting the Chesnok Red hardneck garlic in mid-October
osiristhe: Mulching the garlic bed with leaves and grass clippings
osiristhe: Garlic scapes on the hardneck garlic
osiristhe: Garlic scapes almost ready to harvest
osiristhe: Harvested Garlic Scapes!
osiristhe: Pickled Garlic Scapes (from the garden!)
osiristhe: The Hardneck Garlic Bed in mid-July (ready to harvest!)
osiristhe: The Hardneck Garlic Bed in mid-July (ready to harvest!)
osiristhe: Using a shovel to loosen the clay soil under the garlic roots
osiristhe: 14 heads of Chesnok Red Garlic!
osiristhe: The hardneck garlic bed after (will have to add more mulch - will grow garlic or onions here next)
osiristhe: The dog next to the allium beds
osiristhe: Tying up the garlic (the small bunch of 4 are my largest, most of which will be planted for next year)
osiristhe: Hanging up the hardneck garlic to cure
osiristhe: After: Vegetable Garden from Afar
osiristhe: Before: The Vegetable Garden Last Year
osiristhe: Radish Harvest (~4 weeks)
osiristhe: Radish Harvest (~6 weeks)
osiristhe: Growing French Breakfast Radishes
osiristhe: Growing French Breakfast Radishes
osiristhe: Growing French Breakfast Radishes
osiristhe: Another set of daffodils
osiristhe: Yellow Cheerfulness Daffodils
osiristhe: Double Daffodils in the front
osiristhe: Hand-stamped Copper Plant Labels
osiristhe: Daffodils, Part 2
osiristhe: Daffodils, Part 1
osiristhe: Pink Butterfly Daffodils in the garden
osiristhe: Orange-cupped Daffodils in the garden
osiristhe: Yellow Daffodils in the garden