osiristhe: Tutorial: Fabric Boxes to Cover Stuff!
osiristhe: Diagram of what the Fabric Box Cover looks like
osiristhe: Step 0. Take measurements of box to cover.
osiristhe: Step 1. Cut the fabric (for a framed bottom)
osiristhe: Step 1 (alternative). Cut the fabric for a hemmed bottom
osiristhe: Step 2: Iron interfacing to center of fabric pieces
osiristhe: Step 3: For the top/bottom, draw out the opening placement
osiristhe: Step 4. Pin right-sides of top/bottom pieces together
osiristhe: Step 5: Sew on lines drawn in Step 3, then cut out opening leaving 1/8" inseam (diagonally slice corners w/o cutting the seam!)
osiristhe: Step 6: Pull un-interfaced fabric through opening and iron one side at a time
osiristhe: Step 7: Top stitch around the edge of the openings, and then sew 1/4" from the edges
osiristhe: Step 8: Align sides of box together, mark out 1/2" from the top/bottom of the pieces.
osiristhe: Step 9: Pin the side pieces together
osiristhe: Step 10: Sew each side edge (with a 1/2" inseam) together, leaving 1/2" unsewn at the beginning and end.
osiristhe: Step 11: Iron side-seams open
osiristhe: Step 12: Pin the bottom frame to the correct side piece (see color-coding in Step 1), right-sides together
osiristhe: Step 13. Sew side piece to bottom piece with 1/2" inseam (1/2 of bottom piece will be unsewn at each side)
osiristhe: Step 14: Repeat Steps 12 & 13 for each side of the bottom piece.
osiristhe: Step 15: Snip corners off at 45-degree angle, without cutting the seams!
osiristhe: Step 16: Flip right-side out and make sure it looks correct. Iron edges.
osiristhe: Step 17: Repeat Steps 12-16 for the Top Piece.
osiristhe: Step 18: Iron edges, poke out corners. Done!
osiristhe: 2 Fabric Tissue Box Covers in 2 Sizes
osiristhe: Bottoms of the Fabric Box Covers
osiristhe: Bottoms and Tops of the Fabric Covers