osiristhe: Use baskets, etc. to store smaller, loose items
osiristhe: Completed walk-in closet
osiristhe: 10. For closet poles, attach support brackets to studs, then insert poles
osiristhe: Most shelving systems also included slanted supports for shoe storage
osiristhe: 9. Insert ventilated shelving using brackets.
osiristhe: Supports may not be evenly spaced, but it's important they're attached to studs!
osiristhe: 7. Repeat for additional shelving supports.
osiristhe: 6. Screw adjustable shelving supports to studs
osiristhe: 5. Attached moulding sides then top.
osiristhe: 4. Cut moulding trim to fit (using 45 degree mitered edges)
osiristhe: 3. Trim last paneling to fit.
osiristhe: 2. Add cedar tongue-in-groove paneling, starting on one side
osiristhe: 1. Add horiztontal furring strips, attached to studs
osiristhe: 0. Empty closet room
osiristhe: Adding Shelves and Poles to Make a Closet