osiristhe: Make Your Own Bentwood Rings
osiristhe: 0 Workspace + Supplies
osiristhe: 1 Engraving interior bands (didn't work)
osiristhe: 2 Soaking wood veneer strips until pliable
osiristhe: 3 Wrapping inner band around ring-finger sized dowel rod
osiristhe: 4 Cover wrapped band with paper towel and painters tape
osiristhe: 5 Let dry for a bit and then undo tape
osiristhe: 6 Sizing the band - score where cut needs to happen (double wraparound)
osiristhe: 7 Cut the band to scored size
osiristhe: 8 Sand joining ends of inner band
osiristhe: 9 Wrap inner band around ring-sized dowel
osiristhe: 10 Layer super glue
osiristhe: 11 Repeat steps 2-8 with outer band
osiristhe: 12 When inner band glue dries, sand down joining end
osiristhe: 13 Wrap outer band around inner band
osiristhe: 14 Layer super glue in
osiristhe: 15 Let super glue dry, you have raw ring
osiristhe: 16 Measure ring to see how big it is (will sand down later to make thinner)
osiristhe: 17 Dremel-sand interior of ring to smoothness (and size)
osiristhe: 18 Do many more steps that are described better in YouTube videos
osiristhe: Workspace Snapshots
osiristhe: Workspace Snapshots
osiristhe: Completed Bentwood Rings - Only took 5 practice tries to make a keeper
osiristhe: External joins of bentwood rings - improving!
osiristhe: 160925weddingpaper-63
osiristhe: 160925weddingpaper-64
osiristhe: Stacked Bentwood Rings
osiristhe: Finished Rings - Notice improving evenness of sides
osiristhe: Cat inspection of rings.
osiristhe: Cat backdrop