osiristhe: Equilateral Christmas Tree Skirt Quilt
osiristhe: Completed cut equilateral triangles
osiristhe: Keep cutting until you have enough triangles (54 of them)
osiristhe: Unfold fabric and cut one last triangle from it.
osiristhe: Repeat marking 9.25" and cutting to previous corner until you run out of fabric.
osiristhe: Cut from new 9.25" mark to the corner.
osiristhe: Mark 9.25" from where the 4 5/8" mark was.
osiristhe: Cut from 4 5/8" mark to 9.25" mark. (Alternatively, use an equilateral triangle template/cutting form, or use your 60 degree cutting angles)
osiristhe: Cut from 4 5/8" mark to corner
osiristhe: Mark 4 5/8" on one side, and 9.25" on the other (see illustrated diagram)
osiristhe: Trim ironed fabric to 8" tall (mine is folded in half, fold on the left)
osiristhe: Supplies
osiristhe: Equilateral Triangle Cutting Diagram for Hexagon Shaped Christmas Tree Skirt Quilt
osiristhe: How To: Equilateral Triangle Christmas Tree Skirt
osiristhe: Sew 6 larger triangles. We'll attach flange next.
osiristhe: Sew 3 triangle rows together. Bottom row of larger triangle is 5 triangles, middle row is 3 triangles, and top is 1 triangle.
osiristhe: Trim top and bottom as needed.
osiristhe: Sew together triangles until one row is complete. Bottom row of larger triangle is 5 triangles, middle row is 3 triangles, and top is 1 triangle.
osiristhe: Repeat previous steps for more triangles.
osiristhe: Repeat previous steps for more triangles.
osiristhe: Repeat previous steps for more triangles.
osiristhe: Two triangles attached, with 1/4" offset
osiristhe: Iron seam open.
osiristhe: Sew with quarter inch inseam. (Note the 1/4" offset!)
osiristhe: Right sides together, with a 1/4" offset. Pin.
osiristhe: Pick 2 triangles - we want to sew them together with a quarter inch offset so the tips don't get cut off when sewing rows together!
osiristhe: Diagram for Sewing Together the Triangles
osiristhe: Equilateral Triangle Christmas Tree Skirt Tutorial: Sewing Together the Triangles
osiristhe: Sew quilt blocks together with 1/4" inseam, iron open.
osiristhe: Sew quilt blocks together with 1/4" inseam, iron open.