osiristhe: Two Burro's Tail Succulents
osiristhe: Two Burro's Tails
osiristhe: 6. Plant snipped branch 1" deep in pot, sprinkle rooting leaves on top of soil.
osiristhe: 5. After ends are dried, they might start to grow roots
osiristhe: 4. Let stems sit for 3-7 days until end is dried.
osiristhe: 4. Let leaves sit for 3-7 days until end is dried.
osiristhe: 3. Remove a few leaves from other end of snipped branch.
osiristhe: 2. Remove a few leaves from end of snipped branch
osiristhe: 1. Snip branch.
osiristhe: How To: Propagate a Burro's Tail Succulent
osiristhe: Burro's Tail
osiristhe: Burro's Tail