osiristhe: Chopping 4 cups of rhubarb
osiristhe: 4 cups rhubarb, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup orange juice
osiristhe: Simmering for 20 minutes
osiristhe: Simmering for an hour
osiristhe: Sterilizing mason jars
osiristhe: Softening lids' rubber sealant
osiristhe: Processing filled mason jars, 15 minutes
osiristhe: Filling mason jars with butter, securing lids
osiristhe: Cooling processed mason jars
osiristhe: Canning Rhubarb Butter
osiristhe: Rhubarb Butter
osiristhe: Strawberry Maple Butter
osiristhe: Strawberry Maple Butter
osiristhe: Roasted Corn Salsa
osiristhe: Roasted Corn Salsa
osiristhe: Cooking Strawberries
osiristhe: Reduced Strawberries, passed the sheet test
osiristhe: Rosemary Honey-sweetened Strawberry Jam
osiristhe: Rosemary Honey-sweetened Strawberry Jam
osiristhe: Dilly Beans
osiristhe: Dilly Beans
osiristhe: Rosemary Honey-sweetened Strawberry Jam Leftovers
osiristhe: Preserving Workshop with Marisa McClellan
osiristhe: Small Batch Strawberry Vanilla Jam
osiristhe: Maple Granola, Greek Yogurt, and Homemade Strawberry Jam = Breakfast of Champions
osiristhe: Small Batch Strawberry Vanilla Jam
osiristhe: Pickled Garlic Scapes
osiristhe: Pickled Garlic Scapes
osiristhe: Boiling Rhubarb Chutney Ingredients
osiristhe: Reduced Rhubarb Chutney Ingredients