osiristhe: View from Balcony off Bedroom
osiristhe: Tiny Plant Decor
osiristhe: Bedroom into Kitchen
osiristhe: Bedroom from kitchen
osiristhe: Kitchen from Bedroom
osiristhe: Tub Room
osiristhe: Bath Area
osiristhe: Entryway into kitchen
osiristhe: My Neighborhood
osiristhe: Gomi Instructions
osiristhe: Japanese Translation...
osiristhe: Bunny Bowls and Chopsticks
osiristhe: Cup of Green Tea
osiristhe: Mmm, studyin's.
osiristhe: Water Control in the Kitchen
osiristhe: Appliance Manuals
osiristhe: Sake Set
osiristhe: Chocolate Mushroom Cookies
osiristhe: O-cha Collection
osiristhe: Green Tea KitKats from Osaka
osiristhe: Japanese Cheetos...with brie?
osiristhe: Mmmm, delicious corn milk
osiristhe: Non-intuitive Washing Machine
osiristhe: Yen Monies
osiristhe: Instant Miso, Variety Pack
osiristhe: Coming to theaters near you...
osiristhe: Geisha Socks
osiristhe: Liberty Osaka
osiristhe: From Naniwabashi
osiristhe: Osaka Bird