osiristhe: Bedroom, from SE corner
osiristhe: Step 0: Materials
osiristhe: Step 1: Sand Corners and Edges of Plywood
osiristhe: Step 2: Determine & Mark How Many Buttons/Tufts and Where
osiristhe: Step 3: Drill Pilot Holes and then 1/2" Holes
osiristhe: Step 4: Lay Down Muslin Lining, Center Batting on top of Muslin, and Center Foam on top of Batting
osiristhe: Step 5: Center Plywood on top of Foam
osiristhe: Step 6: Staple Muslin and Batting to Long-Sides of Plywood Board
osiristhe: Step 7: Staple Muslin and Batting to Short-sides of Plywood
osiristhe: Step 8: Fold the Edges Like Gift Wrap
osiristhe: Step 9: Staple the Edges to the Plywood
osiristhe: Repeat Steps 8 & 9 Until All 4 Edges Are Secure
osiristhe: Step 10: Center Headboard Over Decorative Fabric and Secure with Staple Gun
osiristhe: Step 11: Add Buttons/Tufts
osiristhe: Step 12: Mount Your Headboard to the Wall