osiristhe: Step 13: Completed Tutu Back, with Underskirt
osiristhe: Step 13: Completed Tutu, with Underskirt
osiristhe: Step 13: Done, Tutu Front
osiristhe: Step 13: Done/Tutu Ribbon Close-up
osiristhe: Step 12: Sew Ribbon Through Yarn Knots
osiristhe: Step 13: Done/A Look at the Tutu with Ribbon
osiristhe: Step 11: [Halfway] Done!
osiristhe: Step 10: Repeat Steps 2-9 Until Tutu is Wide/Long Enough
osiristhe: Step 9: Knot Again, Making a Double Knot
osiristhe: Step 8: Secure the Tulle in the Yarn by Tightening the Single Knot
osiristhe: Step 7: Stick the Tulle-Twist into the Loose Knot
osiristhe: Step 6: Twist the Top Half-Inch of Tulle
osiristhe: Step 5: Take One Tulle Strip/Piece
osiristhe: Step 4: Make a REALLY Loose Knot in the Yarn
osiristhe: Step 3: Roll Nylon Along Desired Length and Cut 3" Pieces
osiristhe: Step 2: Cut Strips of Tulle
osiristhe: Step 2: Cut Strips of Tulle
osiristhe: Step 1: Fold Yarn in Half and Tie to Something Solid
osiristhe: Step 0: Materials
osiristhe: Finished Tutu, from the Back
osiristhe: How-To: No-sew Tutu