osiristhe: Kitchen, head on
osiristhe: Kitchen Curtain, left
osiristhe: Kitchen Curtain, left close up
osiristhe: Kitchen Curtain, right
osiristhe: Kitchen Curtain, right close up
osiristhe: Living Room Curtain, center smushed
osiristhe: Living Room Curtain, right open
osiristhe: Living Room Curtain, right closed
osiristhe: Living Room, curtains open
osiristhe: Living Room, curtains closed
osiristhe: Curtains for under the bathroom counters
osiristhe: Curtains for under the bathroom counters
osiristhe: Curtains for under the bathroom counters
osiristhe: Curtains for under the bathroom counters
osiristhe: 13 Done!
osiristhe: 12 Iron, Pin, & Sew hem for top of curtain (large enough for curtain rod)
osiristhe: 11 Pin & sew hem for both curtains (if you plan it right, you can hide your seams in the fabric pattern)
osiristhe: 10 Sew double-fold hem
osiristhe: 9 Iron & pin double-fold hem on bottom (should be larger/heavier than top, if possible), 1/4" + larger
osiristhe: 8 Sew double-fold hem
osiristhe: 7 Pin double-folded hem, for both sides and pieces of fabric
osiristhe: 6 Pin double-folded hem
osiristhe: 4 Iron double-fold hem (+1/4")
osiristhe: 3 Iron single hem (1/4")
osiristhe: 2 Cut in half (for 2 evenly sized curtains)
osiristhe: 1 Cut fabric to necessary size
osiristhe: Custom-sized Curtains Tutorial