osiristhe: Devrim Stadium
osiristhe: Atatürk Poster
osiristhe: Anıt Kabir
osiristhe: Roman Bath
osiristhe: Roman Figure
osiristhe: Arabic Gravestone
osiristhe: Temple Augustus and Rome
osiristhe: Front Desk Letter
osiristhe: Dolmuş in Ulus
osiristhe: Museum of Anatolian Civilizations
osiristhe: Hittite Statues
osiristhe: View from a Restaurant in Ankara
osiristhe: Restaurant near Ankara Castle
osiristhe: View from the Ankara Castle
osiristhe: Another View from the Castle
osiristhe: Ankara Castle
osiristhe: Kızılay
osiristhe: Citadel's Stuck Truck
osiristhe: Rug Shop
osiristhe: ODTÜ Bus
osiristhe: Up the Hill
osiristhe: ODTÜ Lake 1
osiristhe: ODTÜ Lake 1
osiristhe: An Academic Building
osiristhe: Ataturk Table
osiristhe: Center Statues
osiristhe: Computer Science Building
osiristhe: Engineering Building
osiristhe: Lonely Three Busts
osiristhe: Missing Bust