liebezumloewe: #takeawalk 跟 je 在閒話中年危機 (哭哭) 遇到 Gina & Buddy ~rabbit Buddy 但是 Buddy 覺得我礙到他回家的路了⋯ Buddy feels bothered that he cannot get home early and eat the tasty fruits.
liebezumloewe: #takeawalk #Taipei 早 每天早上都來一棵樹的感覺不錯, 但不想早睡不想早起不想早出門。
liebezumloewe: #Taipei Good morning
liebezumloewe: #無聊人的無聊事
liebezumloewe: #無聊人的無聊事
liebezumloewe: #無聊人的無聊事
liebezumloewe: #無聊人的無聊事 哭哭,躲雨
liebezumloewe: #feedingtime 一餐一日? 😴這麼早來很不習慣 😱看到主餐,我知道為什麼 Alex (笑)說⋯太多唷 田園沙拉 Garden salad 蘑菇雞肉薄餅 Chicken & mushroom crepe and 1664
liebezumloewe: #takeawalk #Taipei
liebezumloewe: 18:30 summer is coming
liebezumloewe: 新來的很囂張 #R4T #kokopelli #ReaL4Trading 掙扎了快一個小時,最後還是一起走
liebezumloewe: #taipeiarena
liebezumloewe: 後面那隻鞋,忽然讓我想起揪范白沙屯的勃肯 #midori
liebezumloewe: 5-09. 前面最後還是沒有短…
liebezumloewe: 想拿來玩,才發現因為早前摔的傷痕累累,不知何時被黏住了😏
liebezumloewe: Closed. the market
liebezumloewe: Gift #沖繩
liebezumloewe: Back to Health. #longboarding time
liebezumloewe: The cover. 門上取下 (不是被斬首!) 整理過後收進箱裡置頂了
liebezumloewe: Lion case. 這裡面可以標籤好多人跟笑話
liebezumloewe: 2015 #阿奈 #Starbucks #OntheGo #WorldVisionTaiwan
liebezumloewe: Yap, 補拍他倆的 insta. Shakedown , 8/31/78 ; LostSailor , 8/31/79. #GratefulDead #HarvestMarketOsaka
liebezumloewe: 我對吸管很有障礙,尤其是冰咖啡 #alldayroastingcompany
liebezumloewe: Night #longboarding , too scared. Haven't longboarding for a long while... (my first on board #GoPro selfie )
liebezumloewe: (haha) wake up style _ Day 35
liebezumloewe: 前日翻箱倒櫃找出來的 #raymay folder 完全適合當布幕… #maskingtape ; #muji 's EVA bag / PP divider ~ #stickymonsterlab #curiousgeorge
liebezumloewe: try insta edit... #maskingtape
liebezumloewe: The chair is the best. #curiousgeorge
liebezumloewe: 錦小路 桔香鹽烤松阪豬