Irish Wonderboy: Duck Love!
Irish Wonderboy: The Stag Party
Irish Wonderboy: The Stag Party II
Irish Wonderboy: The Stag and his Two Best Men
Irish Wonderboy: A giant duckling on a bike?
Irish Wonderboy: Took this for Caroline :o)
Irish Wonderboy: The duckling prefers to pedal
Irish Wonderboy: Giant Duckling Star Jump!
Irish Wonderboy: Giant Duckling Star Jump II
Irish Wonderboy: A Giant Duckling on the back of a Ferrari on a Lake just north of Dusseldorf?
Irish Wonderboy: Wildlife!
Irish Wonderboy: Great Quack
Irish Wonderboy: Quack Quack!
Irish Wonderboy: I AM THE DUCK!
Irish Wonderboy: Our friend Cyril The Cricket at the Lake North of Dusseldorf"