Bernie Goldbach: Knowledge Management involves patterns
Bernie Goldbach: Bernie's Archived Programs
Bernie Goldbach: Atomic Habits
Bernie Goldbach: 100 consecutive Mastery Days
Bernie Goldbach: Sketchnote of an Entry Interview
Bernie Goldbach: Excellent segment on creative leadership
Bernie Goldbach: Reminded by the WordPress app
Bernie Goldbach: Readwise Serves Me Trees
Bernie Goldbach: My notification screen reminds me of Notions
Bernie Goldbach: Chris Enns
Bernie Goldbach: The Ziegarnik Effect
Bernie Goldbach: Creating audio notes to self
Bernie Goldbach: Stoop Inbox Delivers
Bernie Goldbach: Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs
Bernie Goldbach: 2020 Showcased the Internet's Dark Side
Bernie Goldbach: The Never-Ending Now
Bernie Goldbach: Gems from Shortform
Bernie Goldbach: Three Readwise Discoveries
Bernie Goldbach: Building a Second Brain from 2014
Bernie Goldbach: Bernie's Mobile Obsidian Folders
Bernie Goldbach: Happy with
Bernie Goldbach: End Notes by Austin Kleon
Bernie Goldbach: Neurological breakthroughs
Bernie Goldbach: First Look at Napkin
Bernie Goldbach: Measuring Success of Digital Transformation
Bernie Goldbach: Digital fatigue can start with doom scrolling
Bernie Goldbach: Think atomically
Bernie Goldbach: Publishing is just the beginning
Bernie Goldbach: Many snips of Napkin AI
Bernie Goldbach: Asking Bing to travel back in time