Bernie Goldbach:
Filming Robocode 2015
Bernie Goldbach:
Mateusz Crouch
Bernie Goldbach:
Second sketch of #ictedu15 poster
Bernie Goldbach:
Alpha Version of the Meerkat Monopod
Bernie Goldbach:
Computer v Man
Bernie Goldbach:
Pixar POI
Bernie Goldbach:
Bernie Goldbach:
Using Statcounter as an app
Bernie Goldbach:
Developing Games at DesignFest
Bernie Goldbach:
Almighty Rapture by Laura Pigott
Bernie Goldbach:
Charging DJI Phantom 3 Pro
Bernie Goldbach:
Speech Bubbles on The Gathering Table
Bernie Goldbach:
Design Thinking Junction Festival
Bernie Goldbach:
Design Thinking Junction Festival
Bernie Goldbach:
Design Thinking Junction Festival
Bernie Goldbach:
Design Thinking Junction Festival
Bernie Goldbach:
Design Thinking Junction Festival
Bernie Goldbach:
Design Thinking Junction Festival
Bernie Goldbach:
Design Thinking Junction Festival
Bernie Goldbach:
Design Thinking Junction Festival
Bernie Goldbach:
Design Thinking Junction Festival
Bernie Goldbach:
Design Thinking Junction Festival
Bernie Goldbach:
Design Thinking Junction Festival
Bernie Goldbach:
Design Thinking for the Junction Festival
Bernie Goldbach:
Fresh Thinking about Junction Festival
Bernie Goldbach:
Outlining current thinking about Junction Festival
Bernie Goldbach:
Picnic Table Hot Desk
Bernie Goldbach:
Using Social Audio in a mobile setting
Bernie Goldbach:
RESULT! We developed spoken content for Alexa.
Bernie Goldbach:
Watching Michael make the green screen