Bernie Goldbach: Haiti Connect on the iPad
Bernie Goldbach: Padding The Atlantic
Bernie Goldbach: Cousins Padding
Bernie Goldbach: Teaching and Learning
Bernie Goldbach: It's an iPad Xmas
Bernie Goldbach: Finding the Smallest Hat
Bernie Goldbach: Traces
Bernie Goldbach: Steve Apple
Bernie Goldbach: LinkedIn iPad
Bernie Goldbach: That's the immutable @gavinsblog
Bernie Goldbach: James Kennedy with his first ebook
Bernie Goldbach: My Xmas Present to me: Brydge 7.9 keyboard.
Bernie Goldbach: Brydge keyboard and work space
Bernie Goldbach: Surface Pro 2 Meets iPad Mini 4
Bernie Goldbach: Pioneer Rayz on my Wishlist
Bernie Goldbach: iPad Mini on red
Bernie Goldbach: My kids are eating my data
Bernie Goldbach: Saving 100 bucks by cutting App Store subscriptions.
Bernie Goldbach: Recording TippToday