Irish Rover Two:
'Golden Treasure'
Irish Rover Two:
'A Tickle of Pink'
Irish Rover Two:
'He Loves Me...He Loves Me...He Loves Me...'
Irish Rover Two:
'Lemon Symphony'
Irish Rover Two:
Sittin' Pretty
Irish Rover Two:
'Ambrosia of the Gods'
Irish Rover Two:
'Butterfly's Buffet'
Irish Rover Two:
'Halcyon Days'
Irish Rover Two:
Pipevine Swallowtail (Battus philenor)
Irish Rover Two:
Paper Kite Butterfly (Idea leuconoe)
Irish Rover Two:
'The Many Shades of Love'
Irish Rover Two:
Common Birdwing (Troides helena) in Kumquat Tree
Irish Rover Two:
'Pulse of Purple'
Irish Rover Two:
'The Monarch and the Mystic'
Irish Rover Two:
'Beauty of Livermore'
Irish Rover Two:
'The World in Your Eyes'
Irish Rover Two:
Yellow Flag (Iris pseudacorus)
Irish Rover Two:
'Indigo Intimacy'
Irish Rover Two:
'Currants to Be'
Irish Rover Two:
'Queen's Communion'
Irish Rover Two:
'Spice and Ice'
Irish Rover Two:
'The Girls Having Lunch'
Irish Rover Two:
Blue Tiger (Tirumala limniace) on 'Mystic Yellow' Dahlia
Irish Rover Two:
Monarch on Agapanthus
Irish Rover Two:
Oxford Geranium
Irish Rover Two:
'Intimacy at Oxford'
Irish Rover Two:
Two Shooting Stars
Irish Rover Two:
Zebra Longwing on Gomphrena
Irish Rover Two:
The Monarch (Danaus plexippus)
Irish Rover Two:
Grey Pansy (Junonia atlites)