Irina♥: measuring out some seaweed powder stuff
Irina♥: mad scientist
Irina♥: Robert's laboratory
Irina♥: tiny drop of stuff that makes the DNA sink
Irina♥: it's a robotic dog.
Irina♥: ETBR
Irina♥: waiting to take a picture
Irina♥: picture of DNA stuff
Irina♥: Pipettes
Irina♥: workspace
Irina♥: High tech data storage for Robert's research
Irina♥: Biomedical Research Building
Irina♥: Valentine's Day Flowers
Irina♥: power lines
Irina♥: Hail Storm
Irina♥: Hail Protection
Irina♥: Smaller hail ball
Irina♥: Biggest hail i've ever seen
Irina♥: Handful of Hail
Irina♥: Buffalo Garden Walk 2008
Irina♥: Coneflower
Irina♥: Garden Gargoyle
Irina♥: Garden Walkers
Irina♥: Mrrrr...meow
Irina♥: Water Frog
Irina♥: Golden Beauties
Irina♥: Cat Nap
Irina♥: Attack of the Koi