Ir. Drager: Charlotte Airport
Ir. Drager: at Martijn's
Ir. Drager: 1007 1st Ave
Ir. Drager: downtown
Ir. Drager: Mormon HQ
Ir. Drager: downtown SLC
Ir. Drager: langlauf
Ir. Drager: cross country
Ir. Drager: at Crown Burger
Ir. Drager: on the road
Ir. Drager: Arches Nat. Park
Ir. Drager: Arches Nat. Park
Ir. Drager: on the road
Ir. Drager: Arches Nat. Park
Ir. Drager: Balanced Rock
Ir. Drager: to Delicate Arch
Ir. Drager: Delicate Arch
Ir. Drager: at Delicate Arch
Ir. Drager: Delicate Arch