The Ipswich Society Image Archive: IPSOCScan-4787 Society Awards 2003 - Quay West, Stoke Quay, Ipswich.
The Ipswich Society Image Archive: IPSOCScan-4785 Stoke Society Awards 2003 - Quay West, Stoke Quay, Ipswich.
The Ipswich Society Image Archive: IPSOCScan-4786 Society Awards 2003 - Quay West, Stoke Quay, Ipswich.
The Ipswich Society Image Archive: IPSOCScan-4788 Society Awards 2003 - Quay West, Stoke Quay, Ipswich.
The Ipswich Society Image Archive: IPSOCScan-4789 Society Awards 2003 - Quay West, Stoke Quay, Ipswich.
The Ipswich Society Image Archive: IPSOCScan-4816 also Society Awards 2003 - Quay West, Stoke Quay, Ipswich.
The Ipswich Society Image Archive: 53- Salthouse Harbour Hotel, former view
The Ipswich Society Image Archive: IPSOCScan-4777 Wherry Quay 2000s Award nomination 2003
The Ipswich Society Image Archive: IPSOCScan-4623 Wherry Quay. Award nomination 2003.
The Ipswich Society Image Archive: The navigator by John Atkin & Peter Elliot, 2003. Award nomination.
The Ipswich Society Image Archive: Awards 2003 Christchurch Park Playground - 2
The Ipswich Society Image Archive: Awards 2003 Cristchurch Park Playground -
The Ipswich Society Image Archive: Award of Distinction 2003 for the refurbishment of the saleroom and crossway at Isaac Lord's, Ipswich. This view from 1960.
The Ipswich Society Image Archive: Award of Distinction 2003 for the refurbishment of the saleroom and crossway at Isaac Lord's, Ipswich.
The Ipswich Society Image Archive: Awards 2003 Nominations, Public toilets, St Margaret's Street Ipswich.
The Ipswich Society Image Archive: Awards 2003, Nominations, IpCentral Apartments, Ipswich - 1
The Ipswich Society Image Archive: Awards 2003, Nominations, IpCentral Apartments, Ipswich - 2
The Ipswich Society Image Archive: Awards 2003, Nominations, Curzon Lodge, St Peter's Street, Ipswich
The Ipswich Society Image Archive: Awards 2003- COMMENDATION for Greenwich House and Holbrook House, Duke Street-John Street, Ipswich - 1