IPS Inter Press Service: United Nations tightens its security and builds blocks by the 1st and 2nd Avenue for the General Assembly. Credit Lusha Chen/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: Children present report "Education transforms Lives" to Amina J. Mohammed, UN Secretary-General's Special Advisor on Post-2015 Development Planning.Credit Lusha Chen/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: Children are listening to the speeches.Credit Lusha Chen/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: Amina Mohammed is asking children questions.Credit Lusha Chen/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: Children from Mary Lindley Murray Primary School.Credit Lusha Chen/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: Anthony Lake, UNICEF Executive Director is giving a speech to the children about the relationship of children's health and education.Credit Lusha Chen/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: Irina Bokova dresses the power of education in transforming development.Credit Lusha Chen/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: Mariam Khalique is talking to Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director General.Credit Lusha Chen/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: Mariam Khalique is talking to Anthony Lake, UNICEF Executive Director.Credit Lusha Chen/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: Mariam Khalique is communicating with the children.Credit Lusha Chen/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: Mariam Khalique, Director of Khushal School and College, Swat, Pakistan. Malala's Teacher.Credit Lusha Chen/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: Anthony Lake played some "warm up" games with the children before his speech.Credit Lusha Chen/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: Klaus Jacob, Senior Research Scientist, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory talked about the future of Greenland with the ice sheet melting fast.
IPS Inter Press Service: United Nations marked the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty by calling on the world to “do more to listen to the voices that often go unheard.”
IPS Inter Press Service: A representative from ATD(All Together for Dignity) Fourth World shed tears when sharing her stories about living in the shelter.
IPS Inter Press Service: Katy Perry is appointed by United Nations Children's Fund Executive Director Anthony Lake as UNICEF's newest Goodwill Ambassador. Credit: Lusha Chen/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: Martina Navratilova, a former tennis champion, and Jason Collins, NBA basketball player addressed media on human rights issues with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) athletes. Credit: Lusha Chen/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: Prince Zeid Prince Zeid Ra’ad Zeid Al-Hussein, Permanent Representative of Jordan to the UN. Credit: Lusha Chen/IPS