IPS Inter Press Service: It was not the army that took over; people took over the army. Credit: Mohammed Omer/IPS.
IPS Inter Press Service: SADC trade ministers / Credit: Servaas van den Bosch/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: Yemeni protesters in Sanaa carrying pictures of arrested men. Credit: Yazeed Kamaldien/IPS.
IPS Inter Press Service: Vilma Matías weaving at the Lucanamarca workshop. Credit: Milagro Salazar/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: Chief Economist of the World Trade Organization Patrick Low. Credit: Servaas van den Bosch/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: A cavalier attitude has seen South African businesses and services spreading accross the continent. Here a branch of Standard Bank in Windhoek, Namibia. Credit: Servaas van den Bosch/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: Tomatoes in Salima, Malawi / Credit: Claire Ngozo/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: Tripoli residents celebrate Eid, and political victory. Credit: Karlos Zurutuza/IPS.
IPS Inter Press Service: Freedom tea for sale as Che Guevara makes an appearance. Yazeed Kamaldien/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: To return or not is a difficult question for Iraqi refugees in Syria. Credit: Rebecca Murray/IPS.
IPS Inter Press Service: At a protest in Tunis. Credit: Giuliana Sgrena/IPS.
IPS Inter Press Service: Farmers fear that their produce will not be able to compete with those by EU subsidised farmers. Credit Wambi Michael/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: All that Alybe Nally has left to walk in. Credit: Karlos Zurutuza/IPS.
IPS Inter Press Service: Activist t-shirt at SADC People's Forum/Servaas van den Bosch/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: James Kupinda from central Malawi has been growing tobacco since 1991. Credit: Claire Ngozo/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: A banner announces the youth forum in Paris. Credit: A.D.McKenzie/IPS.
IPS Inter Press Service: The new name replaces that of Mubarak at a Cairo subway station. Credit: Cam McGrath/IPS.
IPS Inter Press Service: A poster in Tunis declares that the revolution must continue. Credit: Simba Russeau/IPS.
IPS Inter Press Service: Lucy Macharia. Credit: Suleiman Mbatiah/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: Back to school, happily. Credit: Karlos Zurutuza/IPS.
IPS Inter Press Service: Boys join the protests at Change Square in Sana'a. Credit: Yazeed Kamaldien/IPS.
IPS Inter Press Service: Mahmoud Ben Romdhane. Credit: A.D.McKenzie/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: Children at work in Zintan in Libya's western mountains. Credit: Karlos Zurutuza/IPS.
IPS Inter Press Service: Sylvia Meltina says her family can no longer afford regular meals because of rising food and fuel costs. Credit: Peter Kahare/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: On a small holding of one hectare, a farmer can plant about 200 trees, for an anticipated first harvest price of 2,500 dollars. Credit: Elizabeth Eames Roebling/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: On a small holding of one hectare, a farmer can plant about 200 trees, for an anticipated first harvest price of 2,500 dollars. Credit: Elizabeth Eames Roebling/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: Somali government soldiers and African Union peacekeeping troops on duty in a street in Mogadishu formerly controlled by Al Shabaab. Credit: Abdurrahman Warsameh/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: Innovation at the service of food production in Mexico. Credit: Mauricio Ramos/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: Swaziland's King Mswati III / Credit: Servaas van den Bosch/IPS
IPS Inter Press Service: Munni working at her factory. Credit: Labid M Ishtiaque/IPS.