IPS Gallery: EIC A-3rd place: Alex Culiuc-An encounter with the future
IPS Gallery: EIC A-1st place: Ceyda Oner-Against the Flow
IPS Gallery: EIC A-2nd place: Dorte Verner-Prayer Time
IPS Gallery: EIC A-HM: Dorte Verner-The Dead Sea
IPS Gallery: EIC A-HM: Jevgenijs Bujanovs-Genesis
IPS Gallery: EIC A-HM: ManuellaLeaPalmioli-WhiteSwan
IPS Gallery: EIC B-HM: Chantal Rigaud-Stone bench vs wood bench
IPS Gallery: EIC B-1st place: Karsten Junius-Boat without water
IPS Gallery: EIC B-HM: Karsten Junius-Looking two ways
IPS Gallery: EIC B-HM: Keith Miao-Fortunes
IPS Gallery: EIC B-3rd place: Sena Eken-Fallen Leaves
IPS Gallery: EIC B-2nd place: Yanna Zhang-Unseen Faces
IPS Gallery: Print A-2nd place: Jevgenijs Bujanovs-The Dark Side of the Wall
IPS Gallery: Print B-HM: Jochen Andritzky -Village Cat
IPS Gallery: Print B-2nd place: Keith Miao-RIP
IPS Gallery: Print A-3rd Place: DORTE VERNER-ELDER
IPS Gallery: Print B- 3rd place: Keith Miao-Man Looking at Fire