IPS Gallery: 2013 Annual Exhibit HM and Dec 2012 EIC A- 1st place: Carmen Machicado- Spring Reflections
IPS Gallery: EIC A- 2nd place: Fred Cochard-Arlington Wintergreen
IPS Gallery: EIC A- 3rd place: Jean Boyd-Grasses in Snow
IPS Gallery: EIC A- HM: Manorama Rani-Mosquito galore
IPS Gallery: EIC A- HM: Stephan Eggli-Georgetown Tree II
IPS Gallery: EIC B - 3rd place: Alain Cornet - School Closing 2
IPS Gallery: EIC B- 2nd place: Alex Culiuc-Cusco Woman
IPS Gallery: EIC B- 1st place: Ceyda Oner-Miniature Beach
IPS Gallery: EIC B- HM: Chirag Sanghani-Curiosity
IPS Gallery: EIC B- HM: Jevgenijs Bujanovs-Unexpected meeting with beauty
IPS Gallery: EIC B- HM: Kemal Cakici-Eyes of Hope
IPS Gallery: 2013 Annual Exhibit HM and Dec 2012 EIC B- HM: Michele Egan-Plane Watching
IPS Gallery: Print B- 1st place: Michele Egan-Stormy Sky
IPS Gallery: 2013 Annual Exhibit HM and Dec 2012 Print B- 3rd place: Michele Egan-Water Wall
IPS Gallery: EIC B- HM: Raihan Elahi-Hanging on a Thread
IPS Gallery: Print B- HM: Yanna Zhang-First Snow visited Beijing in 2009
IPS Gallery: Print A- 1st place: Gerda de Corte-Approaching Japan
IPS Gallery: Print A- 2nd place: Gerda de Corte-Old lady in the park
IPS Gallery: Print B- 2nd place: Ceyda Oner-Tossed Ideas