fourtographs: Tree branches from the river
fourtographs: O'Hare
fourtographs: Rainbow over Edinburgh, Scotland
fourtographs: Royal Mile Twilight
fourtographs: Streets of Edinburgh
fourtographs: pork
fourtographs: peaty, smokey
fourtographs: Gooseberry, ice cream and apple crumble
fourtographs: Wet streets of Edinburgh
fourtographs: Above the streets of Edinburgh
fourtographs: Wet alley of Edinburgh
fourtographs: Autumn tree and a blue door
fourtographs: Raven on Arthur's Seat
fourtographs: City around Edinburgh Castle
fourtographs: Spire near Edinburgh University
fourtographs: Jazz on Princes Street
fourtographs: Edinburgh back yard
fourtographs: Firth of Forth
fourtographs: Infinity Hall
fourtographs: Jazz on Princes Street
fourtographs: Edinburgh Castle
fourtographs: Princes Street
fourtographs: Edinburgh Spires
fourtographs: Roofs of Edinburgh, Scotland
fourtographs: Bagpipe Busking