hartjeff12: DeCordova Museum
hartjeff12: Musical Fence by Paul Matisse
hartjeff12: Nam June Paik, Requiem to the 20th Century, 1997
hartjeff12: Nam June Paik, Requiem to the 20th Century, 1997
hartjeff12: Crazy Spheroid -- Two Entrances by Don Graham
hartjeff12: Haven by Jarrett Mellenbruch
hartjeff12: Musical Fence in background
hartjeff12: Fletcher Benton, Donut with Three Balls
hartjeff12: Sol Lewitt
hartjeff12: Children of the Corn by Terence Koh
hartjeff12: Stefanie Cardon, Beacon
hartjeff12: Otter by Rona Pondick, 2002-2005
hartjeff12: Venusvine by Richard Rosenblum, 1990
hartjeff12: Mass Art Vehicle by George Greenamyer
hartjeff12: Mass Art Vehicle by George Greenamyer
hartjeff12: Eve Celebrant by Marianna Pineda, 1991
hartjeff12: DeCordova Museum
hartjeff12: John Wilson Eternal Presence
hartjeff12: Eve Celebrant by Marianna Pineda, 1991
hartjeff12: Sol Lewitt
hartjeff12: outbuilding
hartjeff12: Lincoln by Dewitt Godfrey, 2012
hartjeff12: Lincoln by Dewitt Godfrey, 2012
hartjeff12: Kenneth Snelson, Wiggins Fork, 1967
hartjeff12: Llars Fisk, DeCordova Ball, 1999
hartjeff12: people playing with Musical Fence
hartjeff12: Lars Fisk, DeCordova Ball, 1999
hartjeff12: Lars Fisk, DeCordova Ball, 1999
hartjeff12: Lars Fisk, DeCordova Ball, 1999
hartjeff12: Nam June Paik, Requiem to the 20th Century