hartjeff12: tree at Troy
hartjeff12: DSC_0062
hartjeff12: Troy ruins
hartjeff12: DSC_0060
hartjeff12: DSC_0059
hartjeff12: view from Troy
hartjeff12: ruins at Troy
hartjeff12: Troy ruins
hartjeff12: Ramp at Troy
hartjeff12: DSC_0054
hartjeff12: Wall from Troy I
hartjeff12: Masonry from Troy I
hartjeff12: cat on adobe bricks from Troy I
hartjeff12: Adobe bricks on top of stone foundation, Troy I
hartjeff12: Troy I bricks and masonry
hartjeff12: Troy I bricks and masonry
hartjeff12: DSC_0047
hartjeff12: pipes from Roman Troy
hartjeff12: Trojan Horse (for tourists)
hartjeff12: Ugur with cat
hartjeff12: Trojan Horse (for tourists)
hartjeff12: IMG_1206
hartjeff12: Why does Troy have so many layers?
hartjeff12: IMG_1209
hartjeff12: IMG_1210
hartjeff12: Troy plumbing
hartjeff12: Troy plumbing
hartjeff12: IMG_1213
hartjeff12: IMG_1214
hartjeff12: IMG_1215