akolamble: "Popcorn" iPad Art by Ako Lamble
akolamble: "Hospital dinner" iPad Art by Ako Lamble
akolamble: A vegetarian burger and chips for lunch, yes it’s served as it was. It looks so dramatic for painting. #knifeintheburger #sketching #sketchbook #stillmanandbirn #softcover #alpha #art #watercolourakolamble #lunch #burger #chips #sketchbeforeeat
akolamble: Morning walk, coffee and sketch. #watercolourakolamble #art #stillmanandbirn #sketchbook #softcover #alpha #sketchcoffee #takeawaycoffee #watercolour #painting #morningwalk
akolamble: Yes, that yellow bit is the mango I’m going to eat. #sketching #sketchbook #sketchbeforeeat #stillmanandbirn #softcover #alpha #watercolour #painting #watercolourakolamble #art #mango #fruit #yellow
akolamble: Banana for my breakfast, “Good morning” from Charlie. #sketching #sketchbook #watercolour #painting #watercolourakolamble #stillmanandbirn #softcover #alpha #sketchbeforeeat #art #bird #parrot #cockatiel #banana #fruit
akolamble: #breakfast #appledanish #sketching #sketchbook #stillmanandbirn #softcover #alpha #watercolour #painting #watercolourakolamble #waterbrush #art #sketchbeforeeat
akolamble: Filling the last page of my sketchbook which was dedicated to my food diary.
akolamble: I shouldn’t have had brawn rice sushi when I had a little time to eat(I didn’t chew well, did I?). It gave me a stomachache later on. Zantac was my lifesaver.
akolamble: #breakfast #appledanish #foodsketch #dailyproject #watercolor #painting #sketching #sketchbook #stillmanandbirn #epsilon #softcover #a6 #waterbrush #watercolourakolamble #art
akolamble: Escargot pastries. #art #beach #Painting #watercolour #lineamdwash #charcoalpencil #escargotpastry #watercolourakolamble
akolamble: Watercolour of cupcakes