iowahighways: I-35 northbound exit 90
iowahighways: Overhead I-35 markers on Delaware Avenue
iowahighways: 1st Street eastbound at I-35 (1)
iowahighways: 1st Street eastbound at I-35 (2)
iowahighways: 1st Street eastbound at I-35 (3)
iowahighways: AnKenY Boulevard
iowahighways: Ankeny and Polk County street signs
iowahighways: Blue and green street sign in Ankeny
iowahighways: IA 415 at 1st Street-NW 94th Avenue
iowahighways: Prairie Trail street sign
iowahighways: Prairie Trail median separated turn lane
iowahighways: Distance sign on IA 415 southbound at IA 160
iowahighways: IA 415 Easter Seals Camp exit (2014)
iowahighways: NW 66th Ave at IA 415 (2014)
iowahighways: I-35 northbound exit 89
iowahighways: I-35 tenth mile marker
iowahighways: Begin and End No Parking Zone
iowahighways: Polk City wayfinding sign
iowahighways: South end of IA 17
iowahighways: Alleman street signs
iowahighways: Alleman wayfinding sign
iowahighways: Boone-Polk-Story junction in Sheldahl
iowahighways: Polk (yes, Polk) County Road F22