aurelio.asiain: Green tea is a liberating force
aurelio.asiain: Autumn was already there in Summer
aurelio.asiain: Passionate tree on a cloudy day
aurelio.asiain: Sky below the leaves fallen over...
aurelio.asiain: And then will come the rain
aurelio.asiain: Pink, white, flowing down the river
aurelio.asiain: Black & white, before you ask!
aurelio.asiain: Natural reaction to a bush proposal
aurelio.asiain: Mikawa-Anjo
aurelio.asiain: Have you been staring too long?
aurelio.asiain: "It's not hard to see beauty..." 1
aurelio.asiain: An omnipresent path for blind people
aurelio.asiain: Yellow path
aurelio.asiain: Which winds may move this flag?
aurelio.asiain: Blind path through the Odaiba Code
aurelio.asiain: Depending on the angle, it's blue
aurelio.asiain: Lines are so easy to see...
aurelio.asiain: To this light we call home
aurelio.asiain: From Tokyo Station to Maru Biru
aurelio.asiain: Don't give a fave to this!
aurelio.asiain: It will begin as it ended
aurelio.asiain: The Namboku line I: Meguro band
aurelio.asiain: You asked for some red stripes
aurelio.asiain: Saishoji in Omori - 14
aurelio.asiain: 18 points of view on Miyajima - 12
aurelio.asiain: This is but pale tied bamboo
aurelio.asiain: 18 points of view on Miyajima - 17
aurelio.asiain: What title of what novel here?.
aurelio.asiain: A famous ryokan is over there
aurelio.asiain: A deep beautiful sound it makes