aurelio.asiain: Here you see the real thing
aurelio.asiain: A single fallen leaf on Earth
aurelio.asiain: And then will come the rain
aurelio.asiain: Everybody wants to see the movie
aurelio.asiain: The same corridor once and again
aurelio.asiain: Every gate open to a gate
aurelio.asiain: Pink insights behind the red line
aurelio.asiain: Donald Keene at home: Tokyo, 2002
aurelio.asiain: Kannon face between the red leaves
aurelio.asiain: Too many rings around Marina Margarita
aurelio.asiain: Perfil de Alejandra
aurelio.asiain: One more lesson on diagonal composition
aurelio.asiain: You buy this, I am sure
aurelio.asiain: A set on Mifune Matsuri 11
aurelio.asiain: Still my favourite building in Tokyo
aurelio.asiain: Name all the colors you see
aurelio.asiain: This, for once, was not stolen
aurelio.asiain: then this is clear to us
aurelio.asiain: Dreams of purity are always dangerous
aurelio.asiain: Elixir Chocolate at the Shiseido store
aurelio.asiain: Is this what you ordered, Sunny?
aurelio.asiain: Who can not love Japanese Engrish?
aurelio.asiain: Still the same path, day long
aurelio.asiain: The Toei Oedo line: a glimpse
aurelio.asiain: From Tokyo Station to Maru Biru
aurelio.asiain: The lady, the boy, the sun
aurelio.asiain: Let's end it with big laughs!
aurelio.asiain: Close your eyes to see it
aurelio.asiain: Kengo Kuma, Suntory Museum of Art
aurelio.asiain: Suntory Museum of Art, Kengo Kuma