aurelio.asiain: Shinto ceremony before the cormorant fishing
aurelio.asiain: How many of the 8 million?
aurelio.asiain: Just apples and bananas and gods
aurelio.asiain: The Uji river at 7:14 pm
aurelio.asiain: The wind came and did it
aurelio.asiain: "Nobody told me about the photographers..."
aurelio.asiain: "Now tell me about real Japan, Jake"
aurelio.asiain: It seems Dr. Farabeuf is coming...
aurelio.asiain: Have you ever felt like that?
aurelio.asiain: "What one must do for Tradition!"
aurelio.asiain: Someone here is just enjoying himself
aurelio.asiain: Everybody wants to see the movie
aurelio.asiain: A famous ryokan is over there
aurelio.asiain: Or maybe this one is better
aurelio.asiain: Clear as thoughts of a maiden
aurelio.asiain: At least he had a phone
aurelio.asiain: Kinda feelin' blue when you leave
aurelio.asiain: Gonna sell this one to JTB
aurelio.asiain: Uji river flowing into the night
aurelio.asiain: Way to the (saturated) twilight zone
aurelio.asiain: Summer cormorant fishing at Uji river
aurelio.asiain: This was pure black before post
aurelio.asiain: Torchlight pending over the Uji River