ionelmc: Stefan
ionelmc: Facepalm
ionelmc: The groom-napper ...
ionelmc: John beeing groom-napped
ionelmc: John and Cristi
ionelmc: Cristi and John
ionelmc: John
ionelmc: Stefan
ionelmc: Playing poker
ionelmc: Poker chips stack
ionelmc: Preping the fire
ionelmc: Preping the fire for "gulas"
ionelmc: The "gulas" stew boiling
ionelmc: Serving the "gulas"
ionelmc: Near the fire
ionelmc: Grins
ionelmc: Cipri
ionelmc: Feli singing with the guitar
ionelmc: Romi singing
ionelmc: Feli singing
ionelmc: IMGP3164
ionelmc: Blowing some bokeh
ionelmc: Ciprian
ionelmc: Romina
ionelmc: Untitled
ionelmc: The hardware
ionelmc: Untitled
ionelmc: Headbangers
ionelmc: Untitled
ionelmc: Less headbang