Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture:
shovelling queenies
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture:
sacks of Queenies. IoM. Simon Park, September 2008
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture:
queenies on deck (2)
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture:
Queenie two
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture:
queenie sacks
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture:
Queenie one
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture:
Queenie on gravel st8 (Bangor Uni)
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture:
Queenie fishing on Genesis September 2008 034
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture:
Queenie fishing on Genesis September 2008 032
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture:
Queenie fishing on Genesis September 2008 030
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture:
Queenie fishing on Genesis September 2008 018
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture:
Queenie fishing on Genesis September 2008 021
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture:
Queenie fishing on Genesis September 2008 006
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture:
Queenie fishing on Genesis September 2008 003
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture:
Queen scallops on Horse Mussel Bed 11.07.2009 Perry and Roriston
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture:
Queen scallops (Peter Duncan)
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture:
Phil Comber Skipper F.V.Genesis Simon Park September 2008
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture:
Otter Trawl. F.V Genesis. Simon Park September 2008
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture:
opened queenie
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture:
open queenie 2
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture:
early morning trawling (Our Sarah Jane) Peter Duncan, IoM, 2009
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture:
early morning trawling (Our Sarah Jane) Peter Duncan, IoM, 2009 (2)
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture:
cod end. FV Genesis. IoM. Simon Park Sep 2008.
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture:
big haul on deck bycatch and queenies. Peter Duncan, IoM, 2009
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture:
a big haul (Our Sarah Jane) Peter duncan , IoM, 2009