iofdi: Mixed Worlds
iofdi: Macro Mondays ~ New
iofdi: The depth of winter
iofdi: Hazy Shade of Winter
iofdi: Snow Globe
iofdi: Tempted by the web of another
iofdi: Portal
iofdi: Five Glass Beads and their Reflections on Metal
iofdi: Fernlike
iofdi: Get to the point
iofdi: Drift
iofdi: Diamond Squared
iofdi: But could you land on a dime on a push pin?
iofdi: Past Full
iofdi: tell us so we'll understand
iofdi: It's all how you look at it
iofdi: Steel Gray Sun
iofdi: Grays
iofdi: Masticated into Abstraction
iofdi: After tne Beetles
iofdi: A sparkly tie
iofdi: O's
iofdi: Half flaked
iofdi: This way and that...
iofdi: -1 degree Fahrenheit
iofdi: Jack Frost Flower
iofdi: Got snow?
iofdi: If we all did the things we are really capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves....
iofdi: Jack Frost was very busy this January