International Olympic Committee: Hamoon DERAFSHIPOUR
International Olympic Committee: Lokonyen Rose NATHIKE
International Olympic Committee: ames Nyang CHIENGJIEK
International Olympic Committee: Dina POURYOUNES LANGEROUDI
International Olympic Committee: Kimia ALIZADEH ZENOORIN
International Olympic Committee: Ahmad Badreddin WAIS
International Olympic Committee: Cyrille TCHATCHET II
International Olympic Committee: Anjelina Nadai LOHALITH
International Olympic Committee: Paulo Amotun LOKORO
International Olympic Committee: IOC President and HC UNHCR meet the EOR at the Olympic Village
International Olympic Committee: IOC President and HC UNHCR meet the EOR at the Olympic Village
International Olympic Committee: IOC President and HC UNHCR meet the EOR at the Olympic Village
International Olympic Committee: IOC President and HC UNHCR meet the EOR at the Olympic Village
International Olympic Committee: IOC President and HC UNHCR meet the EOR at the Olympic Village