yiovanna: searching for the lucky one!
yiovanna: 23-06-07_0628
yiovanna: 23-06-07_0633
yiovanna: 02-04-07_1503
yiovanna: 02-04-07_1502
yiovanna: 04-07-07_2011
yiovanna: 24-04-07_1058
yiovanna: 23-06-07_0624
yiovanna: 24-04-07_1059
yiovanna: the watermelon
yiovanna: what i see from my office..
yiovanna: alone and strong..
yiovanna: a breeze affect..
yiovanna: like a bride..
yiovanna: nature dresses..
yiovanna: nature plays..
yiovanna: the green and the light..
yiovanna: all this dressing..
yiovanna: all this magic..
yiovanna: every morning..
yiovanna: we pass by..
yiovanna: in the middle of the town
yiovanna: their own life..
yiovanna: their beauty caught me..
yiovanna: the charm itself..
yiovanna: can you see the cat?
yiovanna: on muddy waters..
yiovanna: reflections..
yiovanna: the power of revival around..
yiovanna: by the light..