Ioan BACIVAROV Photography:
Street Theatre (2)
Ioan BACIVAROV Photography:
International Street Art Festival: B-Fit in the Street, Bucharest 2018(5)
Ioan BACIVAROV Photography:
VIDEO: International Street Art Festival: B-Fit in the Street, Bucharest 2018(3)
Ioan BACIVAROV Photography:
International Street Art Festival: B-Fit in the Street, Bucharest 2018(6)
Ioan BACIVAROV Photography:
Street Parade, Zurich – a dynamic & colourful event
Ioan BACIVAROV Photography:
VIDEO: Dance at Paris Motor Show 2018, October 2018
Ioan BACIVAROV Photography:
VIDEO: Oriental dance
Ioan BACIVAROV Photography:
Oriental dance-2
Ioan BACIVAROV Photography:
VIDEO: Traditional Ukrainian dance from northen Romania (Bukovina)
Ioan BACIVAROV Photography:
Ballerina from Paris
Ioan BACIVAROV Photography:
Folk dance from the Danube Delta, Romania ( the Russian minority)
Ioan BACIVAROV Photography:
VIDEO: Romanian folk traditions
Ioan BACIVAROV Photography:
Kurasov: "Tango Jazz"
Ioan BACIVAROV Photography:
Saint Patrick's Day in Bucharest