Invisible Playground: butterfly-project wall
Invisible Playground: semi-interior parking lot
Invisible Playground: little pig near parking lot
Invisible Playground: little sumo game 2
Invisible Playground: little sumo game 1
Invisible Playground: views and shadows and public forest (background) near science museum
Invisible Playground: little incident?
Invisible Playground: public bike lockers
Invisible Playground: old shopping area
Invisible Playground: japanese harakiri wilhelm tell
Invisible Playground: "surprise-bags" in underground shopping area (old one)
Invisible Playground: possible failures
Invisible Playground: construction
Invisible Playground: dissapearance of traditional houses for parking-lots
Invisible Playground: urban gardening
Invisible Playground: umbrella lockers
Invisible Playground: new underground shopping area
Invisible Playground: what not to do while playing pachinko
Invisible Playground: Tomohiro and Hitosi
Invisible Playground: girl with pink cap and nintendo 64
Invisible Playground: old woman in osaku-town
Invisible Playground: flower-explaination
Invisible Playground: homeless-home under the bridge