invictus2 (away):
Its not just the destination, it's also the journey.
invictus2 (away):
Ode to My Land :Burden of Hope
invictus2 (away):
invictus2 (away):
I am here, somewhere...
invictus2 (away):
Find the Peace...first within you...
invictus2 (away):
invictus2 (away):
Feel the Peace in the Storm
invictus2 (away):
Ode to my Land - I
invictus2 (away):
Where there's a will, there's a way...
invictus2 (away):
A Dream within a Dream (in remembrance of the Indian Ocean Tsunami)
invictus2 (away):
Colors of the Wind
invictus2 (away):
Bridging the Distance
invictus2 (away):
From the Wings
invictus2 (away):
Earth Hour: I will vote. Will you, too?
invictus2 (away):
Free Spirit
invictus2 (away):
Growing up in bliss
invictus2 (away):
invictus2 (away):
My Life. My Water. My People...on the path to being carbon-neutral?
invictus2 (away):
Beauty Infinite
invictus2 (away):
There's always more than meets the eye
invictus2 (away):
Worldly Possessions
invictus2 (away):
30 years of neglect and impoverishment
invictus2 (away):
The Art of Doing Nothing
invictus2 (away):
30 years of neglect and impoverishment
invictus2 (away):
In the act of giving, so shall we recieve...
invictus2 (away):
invictus2 (away):
children of the sea
invictus2 (away):
invictus2 (away):
invictus2 (away):
in the middle of nowhere