inveneo: Backside of the school building at Ecole Congréganiste Saint Michel
inveneo: Secure windows and door at Ecole Congréganiste Saint Michel
inveneo: Custom tables are ready for the lab at Ecole Congréganiste Saint Michel
inveneo: Chairs are ready for the lab at Ecole Congréganiste Saint Michel
inveneo: Kids are watching what's happening in the future computer lab
inveneo: Solar panels installed by SELF
inveneo: Solar panels installed by SELF at Ecole Congréganiste Saint-Michel de Boucan Carre
inveneo: Connectivity installation at Ecole Congréganiste Saint-Michel de Boucan Carre
inveneo: Pencer finishing the computer lab at Ecole Congréganiste Saint-Michel de Boucan Carre
inveneo: Rico does the final check of the lab installation