inveneo: Failfaire UK 2012 Pre-Party at GSMA
inveneo: Christopher Locke of GSMA Development Fund starting off FailFaire UK 2012
inveneo: Wayan Vota starting Fail Faire UK 2012
inveneo: Raise your hand of you failed BIG!
inveneo: Failure is going cloud in Zimbabwe
inveneo: Martin Harris on the 5 minutes between victory and defeat
inveneo: Martian Harris on really bad start-up timing
inveneo: Patrick Hall funders want separate projects so they can claim solo credit for ICT4D success
inveneo: Patrick Hall telling tales of failure in Nepal
inveneo: Wayan Vota Failure means you are pushing the boundaries of what's possible
inveneo: Harsha Liyange we must learn to fail faster to succeed
inveneo: Victor Lyons lost $80 million before succeeding in ICT4E
inveneo: Victor Lyons I failed with $80 million - don't fear failing at $800k
inveneo: Alan Jackson hides the identity of the guilty
inveneo: Allen McNeil Jackson Private Industry is not alway the best solution for sustainability and equality
inveneo: Pamela McClean failed for 12 years
inveneo: Pamela McLean I failed for 12 years in Nigeria
inveneo: Tomi Davies failed to launch OLPC in Nigeria
inveneo: Tomi Davies I failed with the revolving door of Nigerian education ministers
inveneo: Audience voting for the best Fail Faire presenter
inveneo: Pamela McLean wins the $2600 OLPC laptop
inveneo: Failfaire 2012 Uk Presenters
inveneo: Tomi Davies the XO is green because of my fail in Nigeria
inveneo: And that's a wrap on Fail Faire UK 2012
inveneo: Pamela McLean trying to open a XO laptop the ultimate ict4d failure
inveneo: Oh god, failure!
inveneo: How do you open an XO laptop